Installation of Oracle database on Linux operative system (Virtual Environment)
Author: Iuza ZhgentiAnnotation:
In this thesis we are makinreview one of the most popular direction in information technology part- virtualisation and how to install Oracle data base through virtual environment, which is also one of the top in IT field. As well it include the history of virtualisation, short information about advantages and disadvantages. Here is some practical examples how to make virtual machine (Oracle Enterprise Linux 64 Bit) with help of VMware, than installation on it Red.Hat 6.5 and then all step for regulation of data base (Oracle Database 11G) in virtual environment. All materials will helpful for beginners in data base administration field, to consider in practice already proven details and make more easy for them data base installation.
Lecture files:
Oracle მონაცემთა ბაზის ინსტალაცია Linux_ის ოპერაციულ სისტემაზე(ვირტუალურ გარემოში) [ka]