
Development of J ̈ ulich Balistic Diamond Pellet Target
Author: tengo bokuchavaAnnotation:
One of the great mysteries in the natural sciences is the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe. According to our present knowledge the same amount of matter and antimatter was created in the early universe. Since matter and anti- matter annihilate, our existence is due to mechanisms that led to an incomplete annihilation and a small excess of matter remained. In the Standard Model (SM) such mechanisms are known (Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism), they require the combined violation of two fundamental symmetries, charge conjugation (C) and parity (P), but is not strong enough to explain the observed excess of matter and and further sources of CP-violation must be south. Permanent electric dipole mo- ments (EDM) break parity (P), time-reversal (T) symmetry, and combined space parity-charge conjugation symmetry (CP). Any measurement of a non-zero EDM will constitute a significant step into new territory, because SM predicts EDM or- ders of magnitude below from current experimental limits. Up to now experiments concentrated on neutral systems (neutron, atoms, molecules) for charged hadrons, no direct measurements exist. This is due to the fact that charged particles are accel,erated in electric fields and thus cannot be kept in small volumes like traps. Storage rings have to be used to perform these kinds of experiments. The principle of such measurements is rather simple: if an electric dipole moment exists, the spin vector will experience a torque in an external electric filed resulting in a change of the original spin direction and detected by a polarimeter. The JEDI (Juelich Electric Dipole momentum Investigation) international collaboration has embarked on a new program to investigate EDM’s for proton and/or deutron involving this technique. The firs tests in this direction are being conducted at COSY (Cooler Synchrotron) of Forschungszentrum J ̈ ulich. In this thesis emphasis will be made on polarimetry concept. Namely, the main goal was the development of computational model for beam interaction with new type diamond ballistic pellet target, allowing the investigation of target thickness effects on luminosity and choosing the optimal pellet size. This numerical calcula- tions make possible to further optimize the parameters of diamond ballistic pellet target.