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Hydrogen molecules recipient bacteria as a promising means of energy
Author: Giorgi TedozashviliKeywords: Hydrogen, Cyanobacteria, Bioreactors
Annotation It is gradually becoming a very serious problem of environmental pollution with the development of technology. The combustion of fuel is a major source of the pollution. This makes necessary to create the ecologically clean and relatively cheap fuel based on receiving the Hydrogen derived from theBlue-green algae and cyanobacteria by means of photosynthesis. The solar energy is transformed into molecular oneby microorganisms during this process.This guarantees of receiving cheap and ecologically clean energy. However several obstacles still make a problem in order to receive Hydrogen in a huge amount and researches in ongoing to solve them.
Lecture files:
Hydrogen molecules recipient bacteria as a promising means of energy [en]წყალბადის მოლეკულების მიმღები ბაქტერიები, როგორც ენერგიის პერსპექტიული საშუალება [ka]