
Cosmic rays enter the Earth's atmosphere
Author: lasha robaqidzeAnnotation:
Hess received a statement about the existence of cosmic rays in the first, according to which, starting with elevation of 1.5 kilometers, the average ionization ionisation compared to the rising sea levels. This was evidence that the atmosphere outside radiatsis source. Cosmic rays are radiation y of penetration compared to more than a natural radioactivity, and the additional ionization of atoms by electrons, the density broadcast. So the terrestrial surface of the secondary particles, registered Cosmic rays are mainly represented by the higher order of substances, which appear only invading particles in the atmosphere. The alignment of the cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere to set the properties, as well as the atmosphere of the emerging secondary rays. The differential energy spectra of hydrogen and helium core alignment. We saw that all of them have the same shape and depth of low energy during the transition area in the face of relativistic. The range extends to very high energies of cosmic rays, but because of the energy spectrum of sharp, full of energy in this area is great. Local energy density of cosmic rays is about 1 eV / cm3. The figures show that the cosmic rays in the galaxy and interstellar space to complement the main constituent of the environmen