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Modern trends in the development of database management systems

Author: Tamta Gogochuri

Database management systems (DBMS) play an important role in the development of modern business processes. To succeed in business it is necessary to automate all of the processes in the enterprise, which contributes to the organization's activities as an accurate record of financial and managerial terms. Database management systems provide full support to these issues. This work aims to make complete presentation of modern trends in development of database management systems and about advantages and disadvantages of modern DBMS. In the first part the focus is on Microsoft products development, such as SQL Server, which is a relational database management system for management of Structured data. Also we discuss MongoDB, which represent the future of the database management system. It is a NoSQL database, which, contrast to traditional relational database management systems, is used for management of unstructured and semi-structured data. The fourth chapter discusses the Top 10 Enterprise Database Systems in 2015, which was published on May 1, 2015, based on the researches of serverwatch.com. Including: Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP Sybase ASE, PostgreSQL, MariaDB Enterprise, MySQL, Teradata, Informix, Ingres. In the last section, table represents the general comparison of modern database management systems, where is given the advantages each of them in relation to the others.

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