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High order almost linear functional-differencial equations with Properties A and B
Author: maia bobokhidzeAnnotation:
We study asymptotic behavior of solutions of a functional differential equation u^((n) ) (t)+F(u)(t)=0 Where ≥2 , F:C(R_+;R)→L_loc (R_+;R) is a continuous mapping. Sufficient conditions for the equation to have the so-called Property A and B are established. In the case of ordinary differential equation the oblained results lead to an generalization of the well-known theorems by Kondrat’ev, Chanturia and Koplatade.
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მაღალი რიგის თითქმის წრფივი ფუნქციონალურ-დიფერენციალური განტოლებები A და B თვისებებით [ka]